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To Protect and Enjoy— Become a Community Leader

We're Recruiting Leaders! Serve on the Surfrider Foundation Grand Strand Chapter Executive Committee

Calling all coastal conservation leaders! The Surfrider Foundation Grand Strand Chapter is currently looking for dedicated team members who have the time and passion to organize coastal protection efforts in Grand Strand. We are looking to fill open roles on the Executive Committee as well as other leadership roles. Check them out below and shoot an email over to if you are interested!

Open Positions

Executive Committee positions - voting decision-makers for the chapter. Volunteer positions. Roles recruited presently will be interim, with the aim of electing people into the roles for two-year terms in November 2025.

  • Chair Responsible for strategizing the direction of the chapter. Organizes meetings and communication amongst the team. Time commitment: ~ 1-5 hrs per week
  • Vice Chair - Assists on leading the direction of the Chapter. Steps in when the Chair cannot perform their duties and helps delegate tasks. ~1-5 hrs per week

Other leadership roles

  • Events / Social Coordinator - Leads on planning and executing chapter events (i.e. membership socials, volunteer recognition/year-end celebration, paddles + pints). ~1-5hrs per week + additional time on day of events


To learn more about a role and let us know you're interested, please email 

If you'd like to formally submit your interest in joining the team, please do so here.

We look forward to hearing from you!